Coherent weekly chart pack 2023 11 28
Volatility always moves first
The conundrum between falling volatility and falling bond & equity indices is resolving itself as per the volatility indication i.e. bullish.
This is something well-known to option/volatility traders – volatility always moves first, then the price of the underlying assets. I was slow to pick up on it – must be showing my age. Or something ☹.
As ‘something else’: our JSE-listed commodity AMC now has over R100m AUM and a 12-month track record.
I have added 3 new slides at the end:
- An overview of the portfolio nominal & risk exposures, ∆ exposure MTD and returns MTD & rolling 12 months
- A look under the bonnet at the sector & sub-sector exposures
- Graphs of MTD & YTD performance
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