Easy access to a risk-managed, diversified commodity portfolio

Invest with Coherent Commodities

At Coherent, we believe commodities are an integral component of any portfolio. They provide an investment portfolio protection against inflation and improve a diversified portfolio’s risk-adjusted returns.

Coherent makes it easy for every investor to include a diversified, risk-managed commodity allocation in their portfolio.

Investing in direct commodities has never been easier. We do the hard work so that you don’t have to. Our commodity portfolio offers risk-managed exposure to the individual constituents of the commodity asset class’s agricultural, energy, and metal sectors.

Invest with us!

Our diversified commodity portfolio is listed on the JSE and can be traded directly through your stockbroker.

Ticker:     CCMGCZ

ISIN:        ZAE000316303

Our fuel hedge
portfolio is listed
on the JSE and can
be traded directly through your stockbroker.

Ticker: FUELZA

ISIN: ZAE000335022

Our diversified commodity portfolio is available on the itransact investment platform.

Our diversified commodity portfolio is available on the Easy Equities investment platform.

Investor Hub

Our diversified commodity portfolio is available on the ETFSA Investor Hub investment platform.

For additional information on our listing, click here 

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